American Resources Corporation (NASDAQ: AREC) is an innovative solutions provider in the critical materials space to the rare earth magnet, lithium-ion battery and semiconductor elements supply chain to defense and commercial applications.

The primary operations of the business is the production of rare earth and critical mineral concentrates through its internal operations from mining waste streams as well as through investment in various mines and recyclers that produce such concentrates.
"American Resources is deploying a low capex and low operating cost model to unlock its asset base and technology holdings to maximize returns for its investors in the new infrastructure and electrification market. The world is changing rapidly and with change is new opportunity to build modern and efficient infrastructure. The key to our success is the operating culture our team embraces that thrives on efficiency, safety and accountability, enabling the company to capitalize on all market cycles."
Chief executive officer & chairman of The board
The Company is a growth-oriented business targeting both organic growth and acquisition opportunities of both stable operations and turn around projects with a high return on capital.
our core principles
Low Opex and Capex
Safety & Compliance
Disruptive Technology
Key Holdings
Rare Earth and Critical Mineral Concentrates - Mining Waste Streams
The Company has access to land rights to process and extract rare earth elements, critical elements, super alloy metals and semiconductor materials from waste streams that otherwise flow into rivers and streams and pollute the water ways. Through our shared services agreement with ReElement we have an offtake for the concentrates that we produce, thereby improving the land for future generations.
ReElement Technologies
ReElement is a producer and supplier of high-purity magnet and battery grade rare earth and critical elements to the domestic supply chain while also focusing on the sustainability of these raw materials. We operate the first commercial scale isolation and purification facility in Noblesville, IN where we process and purify products from end of life rare earth magnets and Lithium-Ion batteries.

Ownership interest: Approximately 19%
American Infrastructure
American Infrastructure Corporation is a consolidator and royalty streaming company around the raw materials supplying the global infrastructure market. The products we produce go to produce steel and alloys to support global development and socio-economic progress to create a more efficient economic environment. 

Ownership interest: Approximately 9%

Electrified Materials
Electrified Materials Corporation is the most versatile recycler of metals for the electrified economy. Controlling the pre processing of both end of life magnets and batteries enables the company to ensure a domestic supply chain for copper, aluminum and plastic as well as rare earth and battery elements through its refining partnership with ReElement Technologies.

Ownership interest: 100%  
Critical Mineral Value Chain Investing
Post distribution of ReElement, American Carbon and Electrified Materials our board has approved continued investing along the electrified value chain (upstream and downstream).

Targeted assets:
- Critical mineral mining interests
- Magnet manufacturing (AML, etc.)
- Battery manufacturing
- Technology development
Royalty Management Holding Corporation (NASDAQ: RMCO)
Royalty Management Holding Corporation is a royalty company building shareholder value to benefit both our shareholders and communities by acquiring and developing high value assets in a sustainable market environment. Our model is to acquire and structure assets, equity interests, royalty interests and cashflow streams around assets that can support the communities by monetizing the assets with a future focus.