American Resources Corporation (NASDAQ:
AREC) has built a platform of portfolio holdings centered around the new infrastructure and electrification market. The company is distributing its assets to its underlying investors to provide streamlined investment thesis at the individual company level focusing on critical minerals, steel production, alloys, magnets, lithium-ion battery's and metals used to support global development and socio-economic progress to create a more efficient economic environment.
"American Resources is deploying a low capex and low operating cost model to unlock its asset base and technology holdings to maximize returns for its investors in the new infrastructure and electrification market. The world is changing rapidly and with change is new opportunity to build modern and efficient infrastructure. The key to our success is the operating culture our team embraces that thrives on efficiency, safety and accountability, enabling the company to capitalize on all market cycles."
Chief executive officer & chairman of The board
The Company is a growth-oriented business targeting both organic growth and acquisition opportunities of both stable operations and turn around projects with a high return on capital.